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The Dangers of Astrology

Astrology is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is a set of divinatory practices that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying celestial objects. However, the practice has been recognized as pseudoscience since the eighteenth century. Nevertheless, there are still many people who practice astrology today.

While astrology is a common way of predicting events, it is not the only way to determine future events. A number of scientific studies have disproved astrology’s birth date claims. For example, a study by Peter Hartmann and colleagues found that a birth date had no correlation with personality or intelligence. Another study by Shawn Carlson tested the accuracy of 28 astrologers and fine-tuned the method to be scientifically sound and fair to all astrologers.

Astrology is an ancient tradition that traces its roots back more than 2,000 years. It focuses on the position of planets and stars at the time of birth and claims to correlate these positions with human behavior, relationships, and profession. It also claims that changing astral positions can predict future events. However, it should be noted that astrology is not a science, and there are many dangers associated with practicing it.

Some astrologers believe that the planets have special relations with each other. This means that their energies engage with each other. For example, standing across the room from someone with a particular constellation will have different energies than standing next to them. This kind of belief is known as “theurgy.”

Ancient astrology is based on 12 constellations called the Zodiac. These constellations lie along the Sun’s annual path through the sky. The constellation Scorpius was the sun sign at the time of the ancient Greeks. Then, in the second century BCE, Hipparchos noticed a slow shift in the sky. It is due to precession, which is a wobbling motion of the Earth’s axis caused by gravity. This wobbling motion takes 26,000 years to complete.

Despite this change, many people still rely on astrology. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence backing it. The scientific community is often suspicious of astrology. In fact, many astrologers spend their entire careers without ever sharing their findings at scientific meetings. Moreover, astrologists do not publish peer-reviewed articles. Therefore, astrological findings rarely contribute to new scientific discoveries.

The purpose of astrology is to predict the course of one’s life by interpreting the movements of celestial bodies. It was initially used as a divination tool to cast nativities. However, over time, astrology has evolved into a more general form of divination. Many cultures have their own versions of astrology, including Chinese and Hindu.

There are four major zodiac signs. Each sign represents a characteristic element. For example, the fire signs are independent and passionate, while the earth signs are practical and slow-moving. However, they can be insensitive to the emotions of other people.

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Last modified: November 7, 2022
